Catheters easy to build. Fenestrations is
easily created, leaving anhiokateter were stylette
and using a scalpel blade to create holes. To increase the stiffness of the catheter
, fenestrations are created in a spiral.
PVPyod swab is used to prepare the skin and, if desired, >> << small amount of local anesthetic may be used. The site of insertion
2 to 3 cm from the side mezhklyuchichnyy line compared to the third rib. Catheter inserted into the
45b medial angle to the tip about
0. 5 to 1 cm deep into the skin, which was enhanced by
subcutaneous emphysema. Angle of insertion then decreases
and catheter directed medially, that it is fully inserted
and the tip is about 1 to 1. 5 cm deep into the skin. For subsequent patients, the catheter was not stitched in place, but
was held in place with 2-t-2-inch gauze pad is at the end
in the catheter that allows for the free exit from subcutaneous
air. With caution should be used to keep the catheter clean and >> << first sign of any infection the catheter should be removed (new >> << catheter can be placed in a new location if necessary) . The patient described here had numerous chest tubes are located and
refused further insertions. It is likely that air leakage is solved on
about time that the subcutaneous catheter were placed. This
Interestingly, pneumothorax, and decided after placement
with subcutaneous catheter. Catheters are working >> << support portal for air to exit from a clearly defined plane of tissue. Although subcutaneous catheter drainage of pleural air in a >> << and subcutaneous air, the process resolved much faster
, than we expected or condition. The next >> << patients with the continuing leakage of air, we found that catheters
improve subcutaneous emphysema, but may not improve
pneumothorax. The mechanism of pulmonary interstitial emphysema, pnevmomediastinuma,
, and subcutaneous emphysema was studied experimentally
. In studies of various diseases and
in animal models have demonstrated that air leakage from
alveoli rupture in loose connective tissue surrounding the pulmonary vascular >> << and tracks along the perivascular space
mediastinum. In this classic work
authors failed to demonstrate the presence of air along perybronhialnyh cover >> <<, by lymphatic or along the walls of the secondary particles >>. << They also thought that even in a >> << iatrogenic pneumothorax, and subcutaneous emphysema pnevmomediastinuma
, likely the result of pulmonary interstitial emphysema >> << than the direct movement of air from the pleural cavity with subparietal
space through a gap in the parietal pleura. For output
air, then tracks of the mediastinum in free subcutaneous tissue,
cause subcutaneous emphysema.
Several methods have been used to treat subcutaneous emphysema, many of which are invasive and uncomfortable, and can themselves cause
subcutaneous emphysema. These include
subclavian cuts
extra >> << chest tubes or vnutryplevralnoe space or subcutaneously
Tracheostomy, and
large diameter hypodermic treatment with or without absorption. The catheter described here does not require incisions do not require
absorption, and are less likely to produce a scar than >> << previously described methods. Although we have not experienced problems with
catheter described here, there are two potential problems. First
infection, and the second is that the catheter may become blocked
levels. As the catheter is easily replaced in >> << some other place, our policy is to replace the catheter
at the first sign of any problem. Subcutaneous emphysema, even in severe, often nothing more
serious than cosmetic problems. Of course, you can do care
difficult because the patient may develop dysphagia or
vision through peryorbytalnoy tumors, as well as our patient. More serious complications are rare. These complications include >> << respiratory failure, pacemaker malfunction
airway compromise, and
voltage phenomena. In these conditions, catheter
described here, or other previously described methods
to use lasix drug reactions quickly. Simplicity of construction >> << catheter described here will allow doctors to treat subcutaneous emphysema
early in their course and avoid severe complications. Thus, we describe just built a catheter that can be used for
subcutaneous emphysema. This is done with equipment that is available >> << to most hospital wards and can be easily placed on the doctor at the bedside >>. << The goal is to reduce discomfort and to prevent >> << complications associated with subcutaneous emphysema. .