Friday, February 24, 2012

If calcium is being taken from the bones ...

Credit Pictures female image runner jimcox40 from Fotolia. com

Osteoporosis is often perceived as a condition that occurs only in older women. However, people can get it, and young people can, too. Osteoporosis is a disease that causes thinning of the bones, making them susceptible to fractures. This can lead to problems in any age. The good news is that in some cases, osteoporosis can be prevented. Getting to know the causes of osteoporosis in young women is the first step. If risk factors are present, preventive measures can be taken. Osteoporosis occurs when the level of estrogen in the body drop. Since estrogen is to protect bones, low level can lead to brittle bones. In older women, it occurs naturally with age. In young women, this decrease in estrogen can happen if the menstrual cycle is irregular or if it stops completely, a condition called amenorrhea, says the National Fund for osteoporosis. Menstrual cycle may be interrupted due to more exercise, diet or extreme low body weight support. Female athletes and those with anorexia nervosa or bulemia are at highest risk. Surgical induced menopause can also cause this condition in young women. According to the National Institutes of Health, with a diet low in calcium, the body begins to break down bone to get the calcium it needs. This can lead to osteoporosis. This is especially important for young women who are still developing bone mass to about 30 years. If calcium is being taken from the bones before they reached their peak bone mass, complications may arise. The warning sign is often stress fractures or other breaks in young women. In addition to calcium, the body needs sufficient vitamin D, to help the body absorb calcium. If osteoporosis is suspected, a doctor or nutritionist can recommend the necessary amount of calcium and vitamin D, depending on age, activity level and overall health in general. Kreyton University Osteoporosis Research Center said that any conditions which may occur in young women and drugs related to them may contribute to the development of osteoporosis.boosting immune systems This includes cancer and cancer treatment, both of which can lead to brittle bones. Such conditions as multiple sclerosis, lupus, emphysema, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis often require prolonged lasix mg iv use of corticosteroids, which can affect bone strength. Diabetes and thyroid disease can cause loss of bone density. Preparations for the treatment of heart disease and seizures may prevent calcium and vitamin D absorption. If any of these conditions or if any of the above drugs prescribed, regular bone density test should be done. In some cases, the cause of osteoporosis in children is an unknown reason, says the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Osteoporosis can strike as early as 7 years. However, as adults, some behaviors may increase the risk in young women. Along with poor diet, lack of weight-bearing exercise, smoking and excessive alcohol can rob all bone strength. In children and adolescents, be alert for pain in lower back, hips and legs, loss of height, frequent fractures, rounded upper back and trouble walking. In some cases, the condition improves by itself, while other cases require treatment. Article reviews Andrea Reuter Last Updated: May 5, 2010

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