Friday, February 24, 2012

But after menopause, bone loss in women ...

There is no single cause of osteoporosis. Our bodies constantly build new bone and remove old bone. In childhood, more bone is built than removed, so bones grow in size. After 30 years or 40, however, cells that build new bone to keep up with those that remove bone. The total number of bones, then decreases, and osteoporosis may result. The average rate of buy lasix online bone loss in men and women who have not yet reached menopause, low. But after menopause, bone loss accelerates in women an average of one to two percent per year. This is because after menopause, the level of female hormone estrogen

in women dramatically reduced. Estrogen protects the frame, helping to form the bone tissue cells continue to operate. After menopause, when the level decreases, part of this protection is lost. .

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